Sabtu, 05 November 2016

YOur SMile (a poem by REtno)

Your smile
(writer: Retno)

You looked so quiet…          
It seemed you   ignored me…
My heart beat  quicker when I saw you…    
How could I show my feeling?
If you were busy and happy with others

I just  let everything go
And tried to forget you
One thing I couldn’t  forget about you..
When you walked and saw me….you gave me your  sweet smile
Your eyes looked sparkling when you smiled

When I saw your smile and sparkling eyes….the world was mine…
So…no wonder if…
More than thirty years….your smile still stay in my heart..

Tangerang…November 5, 2016

18 komentar:

  1. Wouw , extraordinary.
    I don't believe it.
    For Retno that always smile

    Hopefully you know
    smile kept for it already I declare
    because I could not stand it anymore ... uhhh
    wishing it I get your smile again
    but it is not possible

    time to changed all that I do not know
    and the smile remained in my heart.
    I'm sure one day you'll know
    My smile just for you.

    1. The smiles make my days colourful Tari...

      Thank you for writing the comment and the poem..

  2. beautiful poem. unfortunately only a smile. maybe it would be wonderful if that smile into something. really poems from the hearts of the deepest and heartfelt

    1. yeah... I got nothing...just a smile...
      of course if would be wonderful if that guy came and said something for me...but it was just my dream...

      thank you for your nice comment...

    2. And this guy said : Retno ... I love You
      Looking your smile make me " klepek-klepek " you know.Hahaha

  3. Balasan
    1. rasah sok ra dong Hand...wkwkwk

    2. Aku yo ra dong je, wis bacut koment . Sorry Retno...
      Entuk to, wong koment ki bebas kog ...

    3. wis komen yo apik to Les... ojo ngomong sori...lawong aku yo ora dong...mung nulis sak karepku...mbuh bener mbuh ora...sing penting ngramekke blog iki..

    4. hahaha iyo Retno manis. Aku yo asal koment, mbuh bener mbuh ora , sing penting blog iki seruuu.

    5. koyo wong londo yo hand hahaa
      iyees wae lah...

  4. Aku ki ya ra dong je han....pokoke apik wae. Nek ono puisi boso jowo apik ketokmen yo?

    1. bagus tuh kalau ada puisi bahasa jawa...Handoyo pinter kui..ayo nulis puisi jawa Hand..

    2. witing tresno
      jalaran seko kulino

      weteng wareg
      jalaran sego gudheg


  5. Arep komen dowo rak reti karepe....

    Aku mah yes aja deh.

  6. Suwe suwe mumet dewe arep komen ning blog....angile puollll.
    Iki lg iso mlebu....
    Arep komen boso londo raiso....
    Wis koyo anang waee.....yeen aku " yesss"


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